Tag Archives: Paolo Carignani

Carmen, Bregenz lake-stage, July 2017

The opening night of the Bregenz Festival saw a spectacular production of Carmen in the pouring rain. The performers got soaked, but no matter because Carmen escapes at the end of Act I by leaping into the lake, and in the final moments Don Jose drowns her — see my review in the Telegraph on …

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Turandot, Bregenz Festival, July 2016

Opening the Bregenz festival was Franco Faccio’s Hamlet in the 1,800 seat Festspielhaus — see my Telegraph review — followed by Turandot on the vast Seebühne (Lake Stage), visible to an open-air audience of nigh on 7,000, on the second night. The main part of the stage is relatively close to the water, but the …

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Hamlet by Franco Faccio, Bregenz Festival, July 2016

This long lost Hamlet opera opened the Bregenz Festival, celebrating both its 70th anniversary and the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. My review appeared in the Daily Telegraph.

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